Thursday, October 12, 2006

Fun Facts!

* Andi Klug (’05) has moved to Lincoln, NE to work on her masters in Educational Administration and is working as an academic counselor with the Football, Baseball and Men’s Basketball teams at the University of Nebraska Athletic Department.

* Nadine Brazda Banks (’01), has won her second car with Mary Kay—a platinum Grand Prix.

* Lynette Brazda Bickley (’96), has won her 6th MK car—a 2006 Pink Cadillac DTS and has earned a new title of Future Executive Senior Director.

* Jessica Finger, Hays, KS has just accepted an admissions job with the Rocky Mountain School of Art in Denver.

* Jessica Tice Vaughan, and her husband Travis have bought a home in Colby, KS and have two on the go children—Hallie and Hunter.

* Corrina Orr Hudsonpillar (’98), has accepted a new position at Nextech Wireless.

* Jenny (Ruder) Biera (’96) and her husband, Jamie, are keeping busy chasing their children— Philip (4 years) and Isaac (1 year).

* Shawna Looney Lebarge (’02) teaches fifth grade in Sparta, MO. She has some challenging kids, but she’s working with a wonderful staff.

* Sarah Ochs Scott (’98) is working in Manhattan for Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center where she is a Physician Assistant.

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